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writes, "I put a high value on good friends, This one friend I have never criticized me, just lovingly showed me what to do to correct when I was doing wrong . He is always there whenever I decide to ask for answers regardless how silly they might be to others. He never said hurtful words to me but only showed me how important it is to express love and appreciation to those around me. He only looked down on me one time. When he was nailed to the Cross, and even then he said he said "I Love You". Would to God we would all follow his example and realize the meaning of the word "Christian" is "Christ like". It's not an easy path, but it is a path of success when followed, there is no failure!
A key ingredient in unhappiness is complacency. If you are complacent and happy with waking up and wondering where time has gone and what did I do, then you probably have stayed in your comfort zone and gotten yourself in a rut. Many Church's and business's do the same thing. Step out and do thing's you are not use to. Challenge yourself and set some reachable goals. It won't bring you total happiness but a great start and of course the next would be procrastination and getting nothing done, These are life changers and eliminating them will also help others. If you have created a character in life that you really are not, then you will always be perplexed because of not being real and you will have a hard time living with yourself! You can change and by being yourself!


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