admin writes, "GOOD MORNING!
Our Country is on edge and becoming paranoid, due to the circumstances around the world. It seems that sin has taken on a new meaning and is no longer punishable by some folks standards. The right and wrongs are now debatable and I hear many say, that's your opinion or that's not the way I interpret it. God's name is thrown around like a football and people try to fit him into their lifestyles. I am nothing but a sinner, imperfect, sin prone, battling everyday. But I will not use the Bible to try and cover for my sin. I did the sin, I own it. I ask forgiveness for doing it. 5 Children, 15 grandchildren, 9 great grand children later and still believe the Bible is infallible, perfect, without error and not just a bunch of stories. I believe God says what he means and means what he says. And folks this country is in trouble , not because of outsiders, but because the only resistance seen standing for America is on face book. Arguing, disagreeing, copy and pasting pictures will not get the job done. I still believe that the biggest answer, stands behind the pulpit. So go 's the Pastor, so goes the flock. We need some leaders that will start looking at the big picture!"
Posted on Sep 18, 2024 15:37pm.
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Five Undeniable Facts of Life: |
admin writes, "1. Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be
Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price
2. Best awarded words in London:
"Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food"
3.The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up, they will find one reason to hold on.
4. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.
5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between; You have to manage!
6. If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!
Six Best Doctors in the World
1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence
6. Friends, Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life.
Sent with smiles and affection.
Posted on Sep 09, 2024 07:06am.
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admin writes, "Introvert - take a pill, Extrovert- take a pill, can't sleep - take a pill, good mood one day and bad mood the next prolly bi-polar- take a pill, can't stay awake and tired - take a pill, headache- take a pill, etc. We are living in a take a pill society, is it any wonder between smartphone, facebook and internet addiction why we are becoming a dysfunctional society. Broken families, broken hearts, broken marriages.
Posted on Sep 06, 2024 08:43am.
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admin writes, "What a great America it would be if we didn't have any political parties where everybody had America's interest at heart and better, what a great America would be if there were no denominations, you are born again child of God or your not, and we all worked together for the cause of Christ instead of finding ways to separate ourselves through petty traditions and labels. "
Posted on Sep 02, 2024 05:44am.
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admin writes, "I believe a generation should not spend time apologizing for the mistakes of the last generation. Most people that constantly bring up the past generations errors usually are the ones who have no plans for their own lives and keep using them as excuses. Or, they are making money from keeping the mistakes in the lime light so as to try profit from it. If we keep our past on the front burner, then we have no future. Life is too short when there is unforgiveness and grudges controlling our lives. Today is the day to get it right. so don't let pride be your puppet master."
Posted on Aug 16, 2024 19:48pm.
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12 Things People Regret The Most Before They Die |
admin writes, "1. I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
2. I wish I had worried less.
3. I wish I had forgiven more.
4. I wish I had stood up for myself.
5. I wish I had lived my own life.
6. I wish I had been more honest.
7. I wish I had worked less.
8. I wish I had cared less about what other people think.
9. I wish I had lived up to my full potential.
10. I wish I had faced my fears.
11. I wish I'd stopped chasing the wrong things.
12. I wish I'd lived more in the moment."
Posted on Aug 10, 2024 07:40am.
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admin writes, "We have about forgotten that women cooked in the summer on wood stoves in the killing heat, that families walked to town in the heat or cold, that chickens and dogs lived free, that old men squatted to roll their own with Prince Albert from a tin, that children hoed and picked and pregnant women did too, that farm folks napped in the midday heat in the shade of trees and porch, children played with things they made from stuff they found, little ones dug doodlebugs, folks dug bait to fish the creeks for food, walked a ways to help kill hogs to get a bit of meat, thought little of wringing a chicken's neck or whuppin' a child in need of it, sat hypnotized by cane syrup in the making, shelled peas and beans under the shade of a tree, milked a cow every day rain or shine, canned and put things up because they had to, and did too many things that were hard, and hoped for the day when they need do those things no more...and lived to miss it all and 'pine for the day ..... wade""
Posted on Aug 03, 2024 07:04am.
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